Being born to a family of multi-beliefs, I was caught in between a non-practicing Roman Catholic father, a Buddhist mother, a goddess of mercy-worshipper nanny, a Christian eldest sister and a Jeffrey Archer follower older sister in my adolescent years. When my eldest sister returned from the States while I was in Form 1, she shared with me the story of how someone died for my sins and that I would be forgiven and would go to heaven. That seemed like the most logical and sound way to live despite not knowing the means to get to the end. I did what most new believers would do, go to church on Sundays, participate in everything and of course read the Bible. Then at the age of 17, when I got a taste of what the world offered, having met Duran Duran, Tommy Page, Danni Minogue, Indecent Obsession in person, I was even more curious at the possibilities of life itself outside the church. Needless to say, I spent the next decade experiencing the pleasures of mankind, the torrents of relationships, the art of being a woman, the challenge of being an animal rights activist and the struggle of being a marine conservationist. I took on challenges that not many a lady would venture into. Some were stories of success by mans standards, some were costly mistakes I’d rather not remember. I thought that if my father was an extraordinary sportsman, as reported countlessly in the newspapers after championing SEA, Asian, Commonwealth and ASEAN Games as a Trap shooter, the apple shouldn’t fall that far from the tree. Somehow, I felt that I was still short of Gods standards, lacking in my biological fathers superb capabilities as national shooter and golfer plus I didn’t feel worthy to be in church.
Then of course, in my line of duty, I met people who are cheats. People who tried to get into my pants. People who break promises. People who betrayed me. People who were nasty, haughty, wicked and vindictive. Adulterers. They were Christians too. Some still go to church, some don’t. Maybe thats not so bad after all. I’d just be adding to the numbers. I’m not that much better off either. From where we can see it, that’s how they appeared to me. The culprits. The drunkards. The bandits. The wife beaters. The liars. The drug pushers. The gamblers. The gangsters. The sinners. The multiple/serial daters. That was then. The church is the only place that would accept them.
This is now. I’d just give you a brief of what encountering God in person, was like. A humbling experience in Maldives in which I was deafened and crippled from diving. I had certainly not expected such intensity of a meeting neither had I expected God to appear in the form of a big fish that was trapped, caught and subsequently bludgeoned to death. Yet when I looked into the fish’s eye, I knew I had met my Maker. So it’s my story. It wasn’t until I had rededicated my life to God that things began to happen. I got my hearing back and God restored my ability to dive. Things began to pick up at feverish pace. I was quickened to do things which I had not done before. Including going to church and seeing things. Well, in church there are those culprits still, but there are also those who have been reformed and restored to life through the miracles that worked in them including the healing of cancer, stroke, and the restored relationships. What then, did I make of those whom I had the privilege to witness their lives ”˜testimonies?’ Were they for real? Why is the church so full of these people? I should be thankful for being counted as worthy to experience God.
The cleaning up of my act has begun. I can’t stand the thought that I would be giving an account of my life before God when the day comes, detailing every single event of my life, trying to justify why I did this and did not do that. I began to lose the interest in going to night spots. I grew inhibitions and modesty in my dressing. I really don’t know what to do with my see-throughs and cropped tops now. The only time I bare my skin is when I’m dressing up to go diving. I developed a distaste for horror movies. I wasn’t as obsessed with weight watching as I used to be and certainly am not anorexic nor bulimic. The only time I’m ostentatious is when I’m on stage acting. Intimate relationship? Non existent and not missing it. Bird ogling at hip joints has turned to bird watching in Kuala Selangor. I am able to break into song when I’m visiting old folks homes to bring a smile upon the bedridden and the lonely. Horrors, I’m even able to hold their wrinkly hand as I sing! I became a magnet to children especially the orphaned ones or those from broken families. I’m able to cry without feeling silly or sad. I am able speak a different language that has never been taught nor heard of. I really have this feeling that I’m not of this world. What on earth is God doing in my life? Why do I love every single minute of life when life used to be such a struggle? Is there something that I’d missed out on in the 10 years that I was living my own way? Or was that a training ground for me for what is to happen in the future??? Now that I’m attending church, why are these people seemed set apart? Maybe I’m the outcast here.
I realised that the church is not just the building that houses the believers. It is the body of Christ. And each member is a part of it.. The selfless members who are ever so willing to extend the hospitality; the home fellowship that allows more intimacy with one another in a smaller group within the church that provides the spiritual covering from the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness suddenly becomes an integral part of living; and the ministry of performing arts that allow even the most timid of souls to exude boldness in character is really something to reckon with.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound? Let it not be! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Do you not know that as many of us as were baptised into Jesus Christ were baptised into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been joined together in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection; knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin. For he who died has been justified from sin. But if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that when Christ was raised from the dead, He dies no more; death no longer has dominion over Him. For in that He died, He died to sin once; but in that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise count yourselves also to be truly dead to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. Do not yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but yield yourselves to God, as one alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under Law, but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under Law, but under grace? Let it not be! Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves as slaves for obedience, you are slaves to him whom you obey; whether it is of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness.
But thanks be to our God that you were the slaves of sin, but you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. Then being made free from sin, you became the slaves of righteousness. I speak in the manner of men because of the weakness of your flesh; for as you have yielded your members as slaves to uncleanness, and to lawless act unto lawless act, even so now yield your members as slaves to righteousness unto holiness. For when you were the slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness. What fruit did you have then in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now, being made free from sin, and having become slaves to God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:1 – 23
In dying to ourselves, to our evil desires, our selfish acts, our strong will, our unrighteousness, our perverse thoughts, our pleasures of the flesh, we are dead to sin. We have the power then, to triumph over sin when we confess our sins and repent. The power of the blood of Christ forgives us of our trespasses and cleanses us of all unrighteousness. Only then, can we reign as members of the body of Christ which is the church because when one member suffers, the whole church suffers with it. The church is for people like me. I rejoice for I am dying daily and wanting to be fully dead.
State of grace, blessings and repentance
Whether you attend church or not you were born into a state of grace. It is impossible for you to leave it. You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head.
You share this blessing with the animals and all other living things. You cannot fall out of grace, nor can it be taken from you.
You can ignore it. You can hold beliefs that blind you to its existence. You will still be graced but unable to perceive your own short if you believe that you are only a physical organism living within the boundaries cast upon you by time and space. You are a unique individual. You form your uniqueness and integrity, and blind also to other attributes with which you are automatically gifted.
You sell yourself short if you believe that you are only a physical organism living within the boundaries cast upon you by time and space….You are a unique individual. You form your physical environment. You are part of all that is. There is no place within you that creativity does not exist
You are greater than you realized.
A state of grace exists for everyone when you are fairly happy and content in your daily joyful life. You only need repentance when you do not know joy. For within joy and within all that is there is only glory, consciousness and song. There is only blessedness.
When you berate yourself for your sins, then you do not realize what joy is. Do you berate a flower that has one crooked stem?
So in yourselves, know spontaneity and in spontaneity you will find joy. Spontaneity has its own discipline. You do not need to enforce discipline upon it.
Enjoy yourself in this life. Say to yourself often:
“My life is MINE and I FORM itâ€Â
The moment of power is in the present. Your life is yours and don’t let others influence you. MANY spiritual church people are filled with FALSE humility.
We can find them saying:
“I am nothing, but the spirit of God moves through me, and if I do any good it is because of God’s spirit and not my own†or
“I have no ability of my own. Only the power of God has any abilityâ€Â
Now, in those terms you ARE the power of God manifested. You are not POWERLESS. To the contrary, through your being the power of God is strengthened, for YOU ARE a portion of what He is.
There should never be a word in any language that means repentance. There should only be a word that means, I bless; for when you bless, you do not need to repent.
Or when you accept a blessing, there is nothing to repent. Love of All That Is requires simply that you become open as air, for when you are open as air then joy of all that is flows through you indiscriminately, and there is nothing to repent. You only need repentance when you do not know joy. For within joy and within all that is there is only glory, consciousness and song. There is only blessedness.
When you berate yourself for your sins, then you do not realize what joy is. Do you berate a flower that has one crooked stem? So in yourselves, know spontaneity and in spontaneity you will find joy. Spontaneity has its own discipline. You do not need to enforce discipline upon it.
The integrity of the self and the soul exists beyond the possibility of annihilation, as you yourself will continue to exist regardless of which path you choose to take – dying after 30 years, or living physically on for many more.
In other words, you will continue to exist and to be fulfilled within that love you sensed.
I’m no greater than He who is. A servant cannot be greater than the master. Repentance is necessary, for pride will only lead to one’s fall. Resolving not to continue in wrongdoing is crucial to bridge the divide between God & man. Greater love hath no man than a man who would lay down his life for his friend. Jesus died for us while we were still sinners, He was tortured & tormented on the cross. Nails did not keep Jesus on the cross, His love did. So to say that I should continue in sin is like saying I should crucify Jesus over & over again. Whatever you & I would do, would not change the truth. And the truth shall set you free.
Church nowadays feels like a club. It’s a social activity, a sunday morning party, self gratification place to be in. The place Sunday Christians meet. Too many phony Christians out there. It’s really depressing to see the state of the current churches sometimes. And some with godly stickers on their cars drive like they’re nuts. Bibles are left to withstand the heat of the day and cold of the night in solitude in the car. I guess there’s just so much in this world for those who are worldly. And common confusion about the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice seem to be an underrated contemporary issue. What do we do? Is this an inevitable conclusion while missionaries save souls the saved souls in church decay?
Hi Pummkin
I usually stay away from blogs declaring their faith. Scary sometimes. But I like yours. Have a good weekend. P/S – great photos too.
Whoa! I see dead people.
You story on “meeting you Maker” is three sentences long. Piousness in others always had a special place in my heart.
One can still be a good Christian and ostentatious.One can still give their life to Jesus and be a “multiple dater”( those evil,evil daters). Anything that makes me so self concious as to ignore normal human instincts and behaviour,or as you might put it “pleasures of the flesh” mmmh… is suspect.
Who defines or unrighteousness,or perverse thoughts,our evil desires? We are all “sinners” and will always be.The church is a crack house peddaling some high quality rocks. Oblivion through blind faith.Feeling good about how much better your life is after you were “saved”,”redemmed”, or saw God in the eye of a dying fish,is a sin as well.Not a pleasure of the flesh persay,but more of a pleasure of the spirit.
Whatever makes someones life, richer I suppose.Keep sniffing your crack,-your luck to have a dealer that never runs out.
Oh, pleasure be it if that’s what is going to keep me going when the going gets tough! Call that sin if it turns you on but I’m calling on my emotional crutch, my hope & my destiny in Christ to propel me to the new heaven & new earth! While I’m here, I’ll just have to live by faith & by God’s rules & die to the flesh (includes not having my favourite Baskin Robbins everyday…maybe once a week…) & hope that I’ll lose the happy weight I’d gain since my encounter with Him!