On 5th September, before I flew, I took a picture of my orchid budding. I was kind of sad not being able to watch it bloom. It was my most showy orchid plant apart from my Cattleya specie, which refuses to flower. When I got back on the 16th, the second bud was still closed. The next day, both these buds opened……thank God for the homecoming present!!!
wahh so beautiful lehh…u are very lucky to see it bloom. Orchid seldom bloom lah, mine oni got leaves hahaha
Ahahahahahahahah! I had two pots that flowered non-stop until I moved house, then they kept sprouting leaves but no flowers for 7 years. I decided to give them to my friend’s grandma as she had orchids. In the first week, they flowered. Aiyeeeeeeee…….