Chow Babi Greetings!

As we were growing up, my dad’s favourite Sunday morning pastime, was to go hunting. Yup. You read right. Hunting for wild game. I was the only one in the family suffering from all kinds of illnesses. My whooping cough which lasted 3 years, was impossible to cure with modern medicine, but was cured overnight with the drinking of owl soup…..(I know, I know, I detest myself for not having known better…..what do you expect, I was barely 5 yrs old…..).I had wild boar meat, flying fox soup, pigeons & what nots that I choose to erase from my memory lest they detect my presence in the jungle….. (I NEVER ate dogs or cats or tigers or lions or snakes or creepy crawlies & I don’t plan to start.) Dad being ever so macho, had to hunt for that owl (sorry! sorry!) for me as we had exhausted all avenues to find a cure. I was just a coughing wreck.

In feeding us all with wild boar curry & wild game every now & then, we must have developed a strong odour, which I can’t remember(at least I don’t think I smell bad, do I…?!?!?) but dad used to call us ‘chow babis,’ means ‘smelly pig.’ Depending upon the tone he used it on us, my sis & I would know if he’s upset or otherwise. “Chow babi, make me a cup of coffee,” would mean that he’s in a good mood. “You chow babi!” would mean that I have done something not so approving. “CHOW BABI! What’s all this?!?” (referring to the mess/raucus/avalanche from mom’s wardrobe on the floor) meant bad news. Both my sis, Pauline & I would not be able to go swimming for two days. That spelt more disaster ’cause we would create more raucus at home!!! Pauline only got into trouble when she couldn’t wake up in the morning from downing a bottle of Gripe’s Water (which was laced with alcohol then, to soothe babies with growing pains) & swallowing all of my mom’s birth control pills by accident ’cause they were sugar coated (sweet-toothed family, we are!) Oh, if my eldest sister, Patricia was around then, it would be the end of us. Hahaha! She was in the States studying & she’s still in the States now!!! Muahahahhahahaha!

Years on, dad has gone to happy hunting ground & we are happily hunting for the things that make us happy in our lives, finding places to go & things to eat that would bring back memories of our pleasant childhood. The cycle of getting into dad’s good books & mom’s constant caning & we running for our lives & my dogs running with us has become the centre of my childhood memories where all laughter begins. Thinking back, I had 4 dogs & 17 cats, if I were to really run, how do I take them with me??? So this Chinese New Year, in remembering all of you who had sent in wishes & greetings, my sisters, both near & far, who drove me crazy with laughter AND tears, my mom who’s like a child now & my dad in his happy hunting ground in paradise, I want to wish you a blessed new year & a pros-boar-ous one & may the Lord give you good health & wisdom for the days to come!!! Gong Xi! Gong Xi!!!

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