Running A Solo Race With The King

It’s better for someone to invest in you for a future of development than investing you in the development of their future. The former is a mutual sacrifice while the latter just sacrifices you. Coming to terms with something so palpable can only happen when you are prepared to wake up from your own interpretation of things. And this usually comes from certain revelations in life that strike you so plainly that you are unlikely to stay asleep.

Sometimes it’s just nice to throw caution to the wind just to see where the wind would take you but it has to have it that I’m govern by a greater force who almost always, steers me back on track. Much of what I need has been met & now it’s just a matter of forging ahead with a purpose that has been set out for me. You can find your place but never fit in & you can go on waiting for something but only for so long. Everything has a lifespan. When you’ve exhausted the batteries to get through the last leg, you know you have finished the competition. I’m setting on another race that I never saw the need to before & it gets harder with time as the pace quickens to find the destination I’m trying to get to. I just feel like I’m getting on the boat because Jesus told me to get to the other side with Him. And it doesn’t matter that I’m the only one rowing, He certainly didn’t promise that there’s no storm but with the King of Kings is with me, what storm can hold me down?

All through my life, I have run solo races, getting to where I want to be in the shortest time (not necessarily the quickest) possible, setting records & breaking conventions. I realise now that God was with me throughout each one of them. Detractors, there are many but those who stood by the wayside to cheer me on would always be remembered. This time, I’m chasing after another qualification. Which means, it’s back to the books & nights burning the midnight oil. And when I make it, I will tell you.

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