February is a Time for Ecstacy

Fries amongst the Acropora....

Fries amongst the Acropora....

What an incredible time I had since the fireworks went off at the turn of the New Year. I have been frantically trying to get my gallery back up since I accidentally deleted it while FTP-ing, written all the reports that I needed to write and caught up with friends over the Chinese New Year holidays with a trip to Melaka and Tanjung Sepat. I rebuilt some of my work on the main website but with the transition of web host, I had to sort out all the nitty gritty details putting the entire database back where they belong. I haven’t really gotten down to do some serious writing because I had to take care of several industry issues first. Now that it’s out of the way, I thought I’d reintroduce myself into the groove again with the acquisition of a new ”˜underwater’ replacement camera, the Panasonic LX3. Impressive little camera and it’s always crossed-strapped around me in a cute Pet Shop® camera bag, another one of my pursuits.

I’ll be starting my cycling again after about a year of hiatus. Realised that both my Cateye halogen front lamp and my LED tail lights are missing from my bike apparel bag under my table in the office. How ironic is that? Shopping time again. I have to get fit before the dive season starts.

I’ve learnt that in the pursuit of truth and righteousness, the people who appear to be righteous may not be what they seem to be at all. The best foot forward is always the one that’s guided by your conscience and being able to live with the decisions made when you know you live for the truth. I just wonder how God will stir their souls at night when they try to sleep knowing how they have misused power and oppressed the weak.

I’m excited for each day as I come closer to the opening of the dive season this year. I look forward to it like a child anticipating a birthday gift. I dream of gliding amongst the swaying branches of corals and examining my critters’ habitat in the muck. My heart is palpitating to the thought of ambushing a crab in the crevice with my camera and have butterflies land on me as I wash my gear after every dive. I’m ecstatic just exploring the possibility of new discoveries as each monsoon brings in new inhabitants. I’m just gripped by my return to my realm ”“ the ocean blue. It’s only February but my courses and trips are lined up till August and come March, I’ll be roaring to go”¦”¦..I am back.

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